
Renewable Energy

“Business is finding that committing to renewable energy makes sense. They are making the switch for business reasons… it actually saves them money.” – Mark Kenber, CEO of the Climate Group.

In a world where energy is crucial to our existence and renewable sources are the future of technology, DIC stands at the forefront of sustainable solutions. As we move towards a zero-carbon emissions future, DIC is committed to making a difference.

Our mission goes beyond profit. We strive to add value not only to our customers but also to the environment through our deliberate interactions. With robust support from within and outside the country, DIC is poised to become the leading company in our field.

We understand the challenges faced by many Nigerians due to the current economic climate. That's why we have developed strategies to address these concerns:

>   Unbeatable Value for Money: Our products offer unparalleled value, ensuring significant savings for our clients in the medium and long term. We believe that investing in renewable energy should be accessible to all.

>   Innovative Corporate Structure: By implementing an innovative corporate structure, we significantly reduce operating costs. This allows us to provide affordable solutions while nurturing a talented team of young individuals skilled in sustainable technologies.

>   Exceptional Customer Interactions: At DIC, we prioritize high-quality before and after-sales customer interactions. Our Green Electrical Power assistant web application is just one example of our commitment to delivering a seamless support.


Our Renewable Energy Solutions include:

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    Solar Generators

    At DIC we provide a portable solar generators that uses solar panels to capture the sun’s energy, and then stores that energy in a battery to be used later. Whether you need to keep your lights on when the grid goes down or you want to charge your phone on a camping trip, solar generators are a great way to have extra energy on hand.

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    Energy Generator Systems

    Electric power is currently the most efficient way to convert potential energy to working energy and move that working energy to where it is needed. DIC extensive energy transport systems are scattered across the globe moving that energy from where it occurs naturally to where it can be put to good use.

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    Rural Electricity Access Program

    Our Rural Electricity Access Program powers the rural and missionary electrification efforts of the government in collaboration with the private sector, non-government organizations, and several donor-funded projects with the view to attaining total barangay electrification.

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    Wind Power Systems

    DIC wind power systems allow us to harness the power of the wind and turn it into energy. When the wind blows, the wind turbine's blades spin clockwise, capturing energy of the wind.

Residential Solar (KW)

Commercial Solar (KW)

Wind (KW)

Number Of Homes


Our solutions are highly competitive because we have some of the best people ready to provide effective service and support

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At DIC, we are driven by our passion for sustainability, our unwavering commitment to excellence, and our dedication to creating a better future for all. Join us on this transformative journey as we unlock the immense possibilities offered by sustainable technologies and propel Nigeria towards a brighter, greener tomorrow.